

Pete Plumbing & Gas

Pete Plumbing & Gas

Pete Plumbing & Gas Hero Image
Pete Plumbing & Gas Hero Image

What & Why

What & Why

What & Why

This was inspired by a pre-existing website. However, Pete is a fictitious person, that was given the role of local plumber and gas fitter. Pete needs a logo and website to promote his local business. As well as providing potential customers with information on the services Pete provides.

This was inspired by a pre-existing website. However, Pete is a fictitious person, that was given the role of local plumber and gas fitter. Pete needs a logo and website to promote his local business. As well as providing potential customers with information on the services Pete provides.

This was inspired by a pre-existing website. However, Pete is a fictitious person, that was given the role of local plumber and gas fitter. Pete needs a logo and website to promote his local business. As well as providing potential customers with information on the services Pete provides.




Pete plumbing and Gas is a very information-dense site. The information needs to be structured in a logical sequence, that would follow the user's journey. So the user gets the information as quickly as possible. Therefore, make a quicker decision.

Pete plumbing and Gas is a very information-dense site. The information needs to be structured in a logical sequence, that would follow the user's journey. So the user gets the information as quickly as possible. Therefore, make a quicker decision.

Pete plumbing and Gas is a very information-dense site. The information needs to be structured in a logical sequence, that would follow the user's journey. So the user gets the information as quickly as possible. Therefore, make a quicker decision.

Peter Plumbing & Gas Screen Shot
Peter Plumbing & Gas Screen Shot
Peter Plumbing & Gas Screen Shot
Peter Plumbing & Gas Screen Shot