Mobile app

Mobile app

Food Truck Finder

Food Truck Finder

Food Truck Finder Hero Image
Food Truck Finder Hero Image

What & Why

What & Why

What & Why

Another food project. There is a car park full of food trucks, out and about. The problem is, to find them you need to go to each truck's Facebook page to see where they're at. Food Truck Finder aims to solve this problem. All wheels are in one place.

Another food project. There is a car park full of food trucks, out and about. The problem is, to find them you need to go to each truck's Facebook page to see where they're at. Food Truck Finder aims to solve this problem. All wheels are in one place.

Another food project. There is a car park full of food trucks, out and about. The problem is, to find them you need to go to each truck's Facebook page to see where they're at. Food Truck Finder aims to solve this problem. All wheels are in one place.




The design aim for the food truck finder was to be user-focused. This enables the user a customised experience. By only having the information they want front and centre, to find their favourite food, location and times. Happy Food Hunting

The design aim for the food truck finder was to be user-focused. This enables the user a customised experience. By only having the information they want front and centre, to find their favourite food, location and times. Happy Food Hunting

The design aim for the food truck finder was to be user-focused. This enables the user a customised experience. By only having the information they want front and centre, to find their favourite food, location and times. Happy Food Hunting

Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot
Food Truck Finder Screen Shot